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[>] news :: gifs :: snap :: feeds :: tech :: imap

+++ Current
(*) = (www) Upstream online
(*) = (www) BP GOM response
(*) = (www) restorethegulf.gov
(*) = (www) DWH unified command
(*) = (www) ERMA interactive - NOAA
(*) = (www) Kent Wells transcripts - BP
(*) = (www) DWH spill projections - FSU
(*) = (www) MODIS rapid response - USA7
(*) = (www) Interactive spill trajectory - USF
(*) = (www) Live ships AIS - marinetraffic.com
(*) = (www) Thad Allen daily transcripts - McClatchy
(*) = (www) LATOC GOM oil gusher forums - doomers.us
(*) = (www) WNN
(*) = (www) al.com
(*) = (www) nola.com
(*) = (www) sina.com.cn
(*) = (www) Financial post
(*) = (www) guardian.co.uk
(*) = (www) Florida oilspill law
(*) = (www) Louisiana instacams

+++ Background
(*) = (pdf) Gulf lease parcels & infrastructure - MMS
(*) = (www) NOAA JAG report - 2010jun23
(*) = (www) Where is the oil spill? - Washingtons blog
(*) = (www) BP aware in 2010feb - yes itz PJW
(*) = (www) The Texas triangle - capt EH May
(*) = (www) OCS BBS
(*) = (www) ROV world
(*) = (www) ROV companies - subsea.org
(*) = (www) Aker Solutions
(*) = (www) Schilling robotics
(*) = (www) Millennium Plus - Oceaneering
(*) = (www) Millennium Plus - ROVeXchange

+++ Onsite
(*) = (www) The *** CRAW *** - by BTI
(*) = (www) Ocean Intervention III - Oceaneering
(*) = (www) Boa Sub C - ship-technology.com
(*) = (www) Discoverer Enterprise - Transocean
(*) = (www) Viking Poseidon - Veolia
(*) = (www) Skandi Neptune - Subsea7
(*) = (www) Q4000 - Helix ESG
(*) = (www) Olympic Challenger - Global Industries
(*) = (www) HOS Achiever - Hornbeck Offshore

+++ Offtopic
(*) = (www) ufp.org
(*) = (www) 123bomb.com
(*) = (jpg) Barack Petroleum
(*) = (www) Beyond Pollution
(*) = (www) linux.chinaunix.net
(*) = (www) 214 3rd st BatonRouge

+++ The Oil Drum
(*) = (www) TOD
(*) = (www) Freenode IRC - home of #theoildrum
(*) = (www) Freenode webIRC gateway
(*) = (www) tinyurl.com - no wrapped URLs in IRC plz
(*) = (www) #theoildrum - channel resources
(*) = (www) BP ROV CamRef
(*) = (www) schmorp feed info



www.icechat.net   www.opera.com   www.damnsmalllinux.org   www.videolan.org/vlc   www.warpmail.net

NewOrleans NHC plan9.de


more to come (unless CRAW decides otherwise) ...

ocs bbs

MultiFeeds: Alex Higgins :: AmericasWatching :: AveryDesign :: BP :: bp.isevil.org :: Dr Dave :: DeepWaterBP :: globalwarming.house.gov :: Greg Ledet :: Joseph Palmer :: jtnog.org :: KFOR :: Little Consulting :: lusty.org :: mxl.fi :: NewYorkTimes :: PBS :: preauxphoto :: Reality Check :: Sanara Creations :: SearchLawrence :: spasticsquirrel (silverlight) :: stalky :: Tent Dwellers :: Trail Recon :: visibility.net :: Warsaw Library :: We Who Watch :: WKRG :: WNEP :: wtfusa.com

joint information LATOC
greatest hits

+++ Akamai MMS Video Feeds
(*) = (mms) 40788 056 Kbps * - OC UHD3x
(*) = (mms) 41434 056 Kbps * - OC UHD3x
(*) = (mms) 44287 050 Kbps 3 - OI3 R1 Mill42
(*) = (mms) 44668 000 Kbps 3 - ?
(*) = (mms) 44838 090 Kbps 6 - OI3 R2 Maxx3
(*) = (mms) 45135 090 Kbps 6 - OI3 R2 Maxx3
(*) = (mms) 31499 056 Kbps 3 - BDC1 Mill22
(*) = (mms) 31500 056 Kbps 3 - BDC1 Mill22
(*) = (mms) 22458 056 Kbps 6 - BDC2 Mill21
(*) = (mms) 23729 056 Kbps 6 - BDC2 Mill21
(*) = (mms) 37235 225 Kbps 3 - Q4K CPRK1
(*) = (mms) 37270 225 Kbps 3 - Q4K CPRK1
(*) = (mms) 35523 128 Kbps 1 - Q4K CPRK2
(*) = (mms) 35624 000 Kbps 1 - ?

(*) = (mms) 30948 050 Kbps 3 - HA1 Oii320
(*) = (mms) 35461 100 Kbps 6 - HA2 Oii640
(*) = (mms) 47175 060 Kbps 4 - DE R1 Mill92
(*) = (mms) 21144 060 Kbps 4 - DE R1 Mill92
(*) = (mms) 21145 050 Kbps 3 - DE R2 Mill86
(*) = (mms) 21327 050 Kbps 3 - DE R2 Mill86
(*) = (mms) 45685 200 Kbps 3 - SN Herc14
(*) = (mms) 49182 200 Kbps 3 - SN Herc14
(*) = (mms) 45683 225 Kbps 3 - SN Herc06
(*) = (mms) 45684 225 Kbps 3 - SN Herc06
(*) = (mms) 46566 050 Kbps 2 - XLX18
(*) = (mms) 54013 050 Kbps 2 - XLX18
(*) = (mms) 55030 050 Kbps : - VP2 Veolia
(*) = (mms) 56646 050 Kbps : - VP2 Veolia
(*) = (mms) 24951 050 Kbps 2 - DI Mill56
(*) = (mms) 46245 060 Kbps 4 - BP/OI
(*) = (mms) 46260 060 Kbps 4 - BP/OI
(*) = (mms) 46661 000 Kbps : - redline
(*) = (mms) 46663 000 Kbps : - redline
(~Kbps as reported by RPv11)
size: 1=160x120 2=240x180 3=320x240 *=320x260 4=480x320 6=640x480

click image below to refresh
ROV selector:

Incredible as it may seem, even a 56K dialup winmodem user running XP sp1 can install VLC 1.1.0 & Opera 10.60 & experience most of these feeds in near realtime. The MMSP entry in XP filetypes is set to invoke VLC with the --repeat option, & Opera allows refreshing an individual image like the plan9 jpg above until a given feed can be selected via its mms:// handle to be played outside the browser. BersIRC 2.2.14 & IceChat 7.63 are what I recommend for IRC. My earliest VLC caps:

Discoverer Enterprise: ROV2 2010jun19 / ROV1 2010jun20

Skandi Neptune ROVs 2010jun23: morning

Discoverer Enterprise ROV2 2010jun23: afternoon

DE-ROV2 2010jun24: wellhead w/ Skandi 2 looking on

Over on the Linux side its perhaps not so simple. Irssi gets IRC up & Opera 9.00 is told its "program" for mms:// is Xine (w/ the --loop=repeat option). A vanilla Xine install returns:
  video_decoder: no plugin available to handle 'Windows Media Video 9'
  w32codec: decoder failed to start. Is 'wmvdmod.dll installed?
  w32codec: DMO_VideoDecoder failed! unknown codec 33564d57 / wrong parameters?
  w32codec: DMO_VideoDecoder failed! unknown codec 33564d57 / wrong parameters?
  xine: found demuxer plugin: ASF demux plugin
  io_helper: Connection Refused
  xine: found input plugin  : mms streaming input plugin
  xine: found demuxer plugin: Elementary MPEG stream demux plugin
  xine: found input plugin  : file input plugin
  >>> Check if another program already uses PCM <<<
  snd_pcm_open() failed:-2:No such file or directory

  the stream 'mms://a1176.l9789247175.c97892.g.lm.akamaistream.net/
    D/1176/97892/v0001/reflector:47175' use [sic] an unsupported codec:
    Video Codec: MS WMV 9 (win32) (WMV3)
Note that it finds 4 of 4 plugins including mms:// streaming input & is then missing little other than the 0x33564d57 win32 WMV3 codec. Its clearly receiving & identifying video (& actually displays "Oceaneering International" in the status line!). It may seem I have no hope of getting xine 0.99.1 working for streaming mms:// on this Debian Linux 2.4.31 box before CRAW strikes again.

Yet it turns out these two links pretty much cover it:
(*) = (www) Softpedia
(*) = (www) LinuxNetMag

And heres the screenshots (be sure to click on the thumbnails): In the top left a classical deprecated XP / RP / MP config, the rest DSL Debian Knoppix (yes, booted from a flashdrive). Believe me, the Linux is phenomenal even on a 686, partly as I can use my USRobotics 5637 56K Hayes USB modem. & only 5 codecs are necessary to enable Xine to play mms:// streaming video more than presentably enough for high quality caps over dialup.

XP: Skandi Neptune Linux: ops

Linux: ops Linux: Enterprise ROV1

To summarise, under Linux theres no need of flash, quicktime, activex, mplayer, firefox / plugins, realplayer, VLC, silverlight, or weird http:// URLs slinging around winamp playlists. Theres just Xine (a "program") given control of the processor by an "OS" (Linux) converting native mms:// feeds into actual video using a properly disclosed codec from an unnamed computer company. The future of media contentdelivery on the internet? Its already here.

see? no browser!

How would someone with a solid tech background keep up with this amazing crew & still have time to watch these epochmaking feeds? Via the extraordinary efforts of the IRC #theoildrum participants. My thanks to this great group for their fine work.

Be sure to visit us on tinyurl (!)

Last update: 2010jul17pm2121utc-0700 : If you find this page useful please feel free to save me some bandwidth & run a copy locally or mirror it under the GNU GPL. Thx!


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